Frederik Binow from Walor is a guest on DANSK HR's blog
Frederik Binow has visited DANSK HR, where he talks about the challenge for SMEs in the new Whistleblower Directive.
Denmark's new whistleblower law is just around the corner. The new law, which comes into force on 17 December this year, is the latest move by the European Union (EU) to protect whistleblowers from reprisals following whistleblowing cases. The EU adopted the Whistleblower Directive in 2019, which requires all companies with more than 50 employees to have a whistleblower scheme. By the end of December 2021, it will be a legal requirement for companies with +250 employees and in December 2023 for companies with +50 employees.
This means that companies will have to deal with yet another legal requirement, just as was the case with GDPR in 2016.
Read the rest of the article here.